Historical Overview
Kolumbus arrives
First Spanish Sattlement
In St. Augustin
Europeans Arrive
Spanish, English (Plymouth), Dutch, French
Colonies grow
Colonies keep growing
Dutch colony is gone, British took their land over.
Colonies keep growing
French colony is very big, but some NA-Groups still remain.
A lot has changed
- French are gone - War French vs. Britain - United States of America are independant - Spanish Colony is huge - Vermont is an own public
US Grow
- United States grow - Mexico is independant from Spain
Civil War
1861 - 1865 north: slaves south: no slaves --> 500 000 americains die
US reunited
United Sates are reunited Canada is a country
48 States
48 States on the Kontinent
New States
Alasca and Hawaii become states
Early America
- 1500s Spanish exploration in the Americans from Florida to Mississippi to north Mexico
Colonial Period
- most settlements are English - 1690 population was 250 000 - 13 distinct colonies
Road to Independence
The culture in America grows and departs from European cultures. In Jamestown, Verginia the USA becomes a new nation
War between Britain and French
The Royal Proclamation
Restricts the opening of new lands.
Sugar Act
Placed taxes on luxury goods.
Currency Act
Prohibits the printing of paper money
Quartering Act
Forces colonists to provide food and housing for royal troops
Stamp Act
Purchase of royal stamps for importatnt documents
Puritans emigrating to America
Pre-Colonial America
Colonial America
Early European exploration and settlements
HISPANIOLA, CA. 1499. ... JAMESTOWN, 1609-1610. ... NEW FRANCE, 1616. ... JAMESTOWN, 1623. ... MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY, 1630s.
Declaration of Independence
Independence War
Abolition of Slavery
Formation of United States of America
13 American colonies became the 13 United States of America
The Boston Tea Party
The American Revolution
The war for independence from Britain
First Continental Congress