History of Peacecamp
The peacecamp project with some political context
This time-line contains all the peacecamp milestones as well as some political events that occured in the same time period. This time-line does not claim to contain the entirety of major events concerning political developments. The historical events shown on this timeline are for contextualization, as many of them have had an impact on peacecamp and its participants.
Second Intifada ("Al-Aqsa Intifada")
Hamas wins Palestinian legislative elections
Raid on Gaza by Israeli troops, retaliations by Hamas
Begin Israeli-Palestinian peacetalks
Failing of Israeli-Palestinian peacetalks
Annexation of Crimea Begin of Ukraine-Crisis
The 2014 Gaza War ("Operation Protective Edge"
Begin of the so-called "Refugee-Crisis"
Clashes in the Westbank
European countries temporarily reinstate border controles due to the "Refugee-Crisis"
Austria passes extremely restrictive asylum law via "emergency regulation"
Outbreak of Covid-19
World-wide restrictions due to the pandemic
European countries temporarily reinstate border controls due to the pandemic
Terrorist attack in Vienna
Israel-Gaza-conflict ("Operation Guardian of the Walls")
Russian troops enter Ukraine, Outbreak of Ukraine-war
European countries temporarily reinstate border controls, due to the Ukraine-war
Film "Middle East - Trauma and hopes of the Young" by Walter Wehmeyer
The very first peacecamp was documented by Walter Wehmeyer in his film "Middle East -Trauma and Hopes of the Young" The film was shown at the Jewish Film Festival in Vienna and aired on various TV stations. [Watch it here!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD2zNqY1D1w)
1st peacecamp "identity peacecamp" in Rechberg Israeli, Palestinian and Austrian delegation 26.07.04-05.08.04
[Watch the documentary "Middle East - Trauma and Hopes of the Young" by Walter Wehmeyer about the first peacecamp!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AD2zNqY1D1w) [Read more about the first peacecamp](https://www.hagalil.com/archiv/2004/11/peacecamp.htm)
3rd peacecamp "identity peacecamp" in Rechberg Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian and Slovenian delegation 06.07.05-15.07.05
[Read more about the third peacecamp!](https://peacecamp.blogger.de/topics/Peacecamp+3+(Summer+2005)/)
peacecamps held every year, created and held by Evelyn Böhmer-Laufer
2nd peacecamp "spring-peacecamp" in Israel Israeli, Palestinian and Austrian delegation 31.03.05-07.04.05
[Read more about 2nd peacecamp!](https://www.hagalil.com/archiv/2005/04/peacecamp-e.htm)
4th peacecamp in Franzen "let´s trust again" with a fourth delegation from Hungary 15.07.06-25.07.06
[Read more about 4th peacecamp here!](https://peacecamp2006.blogger.de/)
Foundation of the association "Verein zur Förderung der politischen Mündigkeit -4peace" by Evelyn and Ronny
5th peacecamp "imagine peace" in Reibers Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian & Hungarian delegations 02.07-12.07
[Read more about 5th peacecamp here!](https://peacecamp2007.blogger.de/)
First peacecamp documented by Gerald Muthsam
This was the first peacecamp documented by Gerald Muthsam, whose films were shown at the end of each peacecamp (because he filmed and edited them all by himself within the duration of the camp). The films were also shown as part of the Jewish film festival in Vienna for many consecutive years.
6th peacecamp "making peacemakers" in Reibers, with Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian & Hungarian delegations 03.07.08-13.07.08
[Read more about 6th peacecamp here!](https://peacecamp2008.blogger.de/) Watch the documentary ["Making peacemakers" by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/U_H00Z5q57g) Watch the final presentation: [Show4Peace 2008](https://youtu.be/rAVUEcIg4MI)
7th peacecamp "let´s talk peace" in Reibers Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian & Hungarian delegation 02.07.09-12.07.09
[Read more about 7th peacecamp!](https://peacecamp2009.blogger.de/) [Watch the documentary by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/sdDslSxR-dE)
8th peacecamp "why not peace?" in Reibers Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian and Hungarian delegations 04.07.10-14.07.10
[Read more about the 8th peacecamp here!](https://peacecamp2010.blogger.de/topics/About+Peacecamp+2010/) Watch the [documentary by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/yXooZ3keANM) here Too long? Maybe start with a [teaser](https://youtu.be/v2s22695iLo) then
9th peacecamp "around the ginkgo tree" in Reibers Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian & Hungarian delegation 04.07.11-14.07.11
[Read more about the 9th peacecamp here!](https://2011.peacecamp.net/) Watch the [documentary by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/msFBUZPEnrg) Too long? Maybe just the [teaser](https://youtu.be/11YE4GHsURg) then! Watch [interviews with the participants](https://youtu.be/8byQ1kRaLGw)
10th peacecamp "talks4peace" in Reibers Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian and Hungarian delegations 03.07.12-13.07.12
[Read more about the 10th peacecamp here!](https://2012.peacecamp.net/tags/About%20peacecamp%202012/) Watch the [documentary by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/NBkCS_x4itc) here ...or maybe just the [teaser](https://youtu.be/aj0vcaXRCJ0)? ...or a short film about ["religions of the world"](https://youtu.be/53NlFBo0QOw)
11th peacecamp "understanding the past helps shaping the future" in Reibers Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian and Hungarian delegations 04.07.13-14.07.13
[Read more about the 11th peacecamp here!](https://2013.peacecamp.net Watch the [documentary by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/QZy5cZ0Cze4) Watch the [teaser](https://youtu.be/SkVa3w1N1zQ)
12th peacecamp "if you meet a stranger, talk to him" in Lackenhof/ Ötscher Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian and Hungarian delegations 03.07.14-13.07.14
[Read more about the 12th peacecamp here!](https://2014.peacecamp.net/) Watch the [documentary by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/8xCwD3Bp3M8) Watch the [teaser](https://youtu.be/_vzHpGmpI7M) Watch [Show4Peace 2014](https://youtu.be/WeVZTraDXNo) in Lackenhof -written& directed by AnnPhie Fritz, musical supervision Lukas Hauptfeld
13th peacecamp "I came here to listen" in Lackenhof Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian and Hungarian delegations 05.07.15-15.07.15
[Read more about the 13th peacecamp here!](https://2015.peacecamp.net/) Watch the [documentary by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/B30hs7-rW0M) Too long? Maybe a shorter [teaser](https://youtu.be/2Y-QerXQd2Y) then Watch the [Show4Peace 2015](https://youtu.be/MkZ-Eayihm4) in Dschungl theatre Vienna -directed by AnnPhie Fritz, musical supervision by Lukas Hauptfeld
14th peacecamp "living together" in Lackenhof For the first time with refugee participants as part of the Austrian delegation 05.07.16-15.07.16
[Read more about the 13th peacecamp here!](https://2016.peacecamp.net/) [Watch the documentary by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/cjO7B_O-PrU) Or the [teaser](https://youtu.be/daOCzH26bCA) Watch the [Show4Peace 2016](https://youtu.be/GWtK4H_qsWw) in Dschungl theatre - written and directed by AnnPhie Fritz, musical supervision by Lukas Hauptfeld
15th peacecamp "looking beyond walls" in Lackenhof Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian and Hungarian delegations 04.07.17-14.07.17
[Read more about the 15th peacecamp here](https://2017.peacecamp.net/) Watch the [documentary by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/DgVGd8M9x90) Watch [Show4Peace 2017](https://youtu.be/udbM8qxw9WI) in Dschungl theatre Vienna - written and directed by AnnPhie Fritz, musical supervision by Lukas Hauptfeld Watch "[WOODS- The Ant and the Elephant](https://youtu.be/LJf3cOXc3t4)" a short film, written and acted by the participants
16th peacecamp "if you meet a stranger, talk to them" in Lackenhof Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian and Hungarian delegations 03.07.18-13.07.18
[Read more about the 16th peacecamp here](https://2018.peacecamp.net/) Watch the [documentary by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/wVWIPmscIUc) Watch the [Show4Peace 2018](https://youtu.be/y1FJaCXOdew) in Dschungl theatre Vienna - written and directed by AnnPhie Fritz, musical supervision Lukas Hauptfeld
17th peacecamp "becoming an ambassador of peace" in Lackenhof Israeli, Palestinian, Austrian and Hungarian delegations 02.07.19-12.07.19
[Read more about the 17th peacecamp here](https://2019.peacecamp.net/) Watch the [documentary by Gerald Muthsam](https://youtu.be/tSctry2rbns) Watch the [Show4Peace 2019](https://youtu.be/3oi_RueNnQ4) in Dschungl theatre Vienna -written and directed by AnnPhie Fritz, musical supervision by Lukas Hauptfeld
Second year without peacecamp. Evelyn and Ronny retire from the peacecamp project but stay in charge of Verein4Peace
Viktor Orbán´s party re-elected in Hungary
Hungarian government extends state of emergency on mass immigration
Hungary first declares state of emergency on mass immigration
Hungarian parliament passes so-called "amendment on laws of child protection"
Lia, Lukas and AnnPhie take over peacecamp project, as part of the 4peace organisation